I’m Falling

26 01 2012

My ledge crumbled

And took me with it

My hands are torn and bleeding

My heart hangs heavy with a needing

For your warm hands and arms

I am weak and I am falling

Please come help me climb

Hold out your hand and be my lifeline

I know I caused you so much pain

I can’t do anything now but shout your name

I’m so sorry, your heart was not mine to shatter

My life was bleak and then you came

I took you for granted

I was such a fool

I’m so sorry, you don’t need to forgive

Just hold out your hand and I’ll be on my way

I’m not asking you to stay

Just to save me from myself

Slippery Truth

25 01 2012

Whisper, whisper in the dark

Poison arrows hit their mark

Shredding me up inside

Soul debris in constant collide

The chance to know starts to entice

Thirst for knowledge, such a vice

That slippery gray truth it will

My soul and sanity slowly kill

Like an addicted cat I want to know

That thing that taunts my eyes to and fro

Don’t tempt me, damn curiosity

The end to this torture I cannot see

It’s pure masochism, I suppose

This desire for a truth that nobody knows

A Bookmark’s Promise

24 01 2012

I was in my AP Human Geography class today and I was telling my friends about this blog and one of them asked me what I like to write about and I answered, being intentionally ambiguous”Everything” She, like me, is an avid reader and promptly pulled out the bookmark in her copy of “The Good Earth” and told me to write a poem about it.  I am not kidding and this poem is the result.











Keep me near and I will mark

Your way through any adventure

On which you choose to embark

I’ll be your milestone

And never let you lose your place

Once I’m between pages

I’ll catch your tears

Or share your laugh

And be there for every book, front to back

Just keep me near

And do not fear

I will always keep your place

Held tight by a crisp, papery embrace

Midnight Murder

23 01 2012

Five gunshots resonated in the night

Waking me up in a startling fright

I brushed it off, nothing could be wrong

But then I heard the ambulance’s song

And quickly proceeded to bite my nails

Thoughts of  a murder and all it entails

I made up a thousand stories in my head

Though nothing could mask the worry and dread

Not a mile from my home a soul just went dead

The ambulance resumed its death-tolling cry

As it lit up my neighborhood and charged right on by

Eventually I fell into a stiff-no good sleep

So scared was I to make a peep

The next morn I studied the news

But failed to find any useful clues

To a murder that last night had happened

Surely a disaster not deliriously imagined

Ode to My Converse

21 01 2012

Oh Converse, oh Converse shoe

Nowhere is where I’d be without you

We’ve been everywhere together

And braved all sorts of weather

You’re dirty and you’re torn

And blissfully well-worn

You never go out of style

And make long walks worth their while

Long thin laces that never come untied

You make me go all starry-cross-eyed

My feet feel guilty in other shoes

Days without you are simply the blues

Stay with me and I’ll serenade you with verse after verse

I swear to be faithful for better or worse

Where Do the Words Go?

20 01 2012

Where do the words go

The ones that surface too late

To make a difference

Perhaps they float up

Like sad balloons

Longing for a child’s hand

Maybe they hang up above us

Suspended in our personal electron cloud


Where do the words go

The ones that are advice ignored

Are they recycled

For another well-meaning soul to give

Or do they sink

Like rocks no longer needed to hold the soil down


Where do the words go

The ones that tell of hidden pain

Are they inhaled back by the speaker

Because no one wants to help

Or do they turn into ghosts

That haunt those who could have fixed everything


Where do the words go

The ones that spark change

Do they explode like fireworks

Multiplying under a starry sky

Do they fly like swift birds

Singing songs of reformation

I think they evolve and transcend

To something mere language can’t communicate


Where do the words go

Or do they never leave

Ban Censorship!!

19 01 2012

– This is the poem I had on my blackout page yesterday.  I decided to post it again for those of you who may have missed it and also because the protest may be over, but the bill is still in existence and that is unacceptable.  My poem is applicable to this bill, but also to all other forms of censorship. As an avid reader, the banning of books has always been something that is especially wrong to me.

I was planning on choosing one quote as a representative for my feelings on censorship, but I could not choose, and here they all are:

“You can cage the singer but not the song.”  ~Harry Belafonte, in International Herald Tribune, 3 October 1988
“The paper burns, but the words fly away”.  ~Akiba ben Joseph

“Censorship is telling a man he can’t have a steak just because a baby can’t chew it.”

― Mark Twain

“When you ban a book you ban an idea, and that’s communism.”

– Andrea Z. 🙂

Hold back the curtain

Don’t let the wretched thing fall

Come to freedom’s SOS call

Ideas are truth and they are free

How dare they hide them so the people can’t see

Writer’s, join your hands

Preserve the freedom of this land

We are the backbone

Of every revolution

We are the first ember

Of a raging fire

Sing with this written choir

Raise our standard ever-higher

Quills raised and held in an iron-tight grip

Ban the despot that is censorship