Not So Sweet, A Lesson Learned

26 04 2012

This poem is a little old, I wrote it 2/14/2012



His hand was laced with mine

As you slowly passed us by

I saw you double take

As he bent down to nuzzle my face

Revenge was not so sweet as I thought it would be

It was dark and sour

My lowest and most pathetic hour

He held me close

And moved in

Knowing well that you were watching

It was a burn that in the end

Hurt both ways

You may have done the same to me

But that was no excuse

It gnawed me up inside

Like a deadly hearticide

And all those tears I once had cried

Came back to choke and drown

But he doesn’t know

And I’m not using him

I just wanted you to see

How much better I am without you

Revenge was not so sweet as I thought it would be


Stupid Heart of Mine

18 04 2012

Oh heart of mine you leave me but a vine
On which to swing and softly sing
A hopeful dream that my love is what I deem
It’s harsh and rough and not enough
To support me, it’s coming apart ever so slowly
Oh stupid heart your falling apart
It’s time to grow up, stop waiting for a dash of luck
Get out of bed or I’ll find some other organ in your stead
I’ll ask my mind though it’ll probably decline
It’s overworked and underpaid but you have got it made
You truly do you stupid thing you have no clue
Oh beating thing don’t get me into another fling



17 04 2012

I tried to find the most unbiased article I could for the Trayvon Martin case. Much harder than expected. I searched Trayvon Martin on the Miami Herald‘s and had to go page 34 before I found an article describing more or less the facts of the case, not the racist aspects of it. I wrote this poem more as a response to the reactions of Americans than as a response to the case itself. I don’t know if George Zimmerman is racist or not because I was not there when the shooting happened. This case has changed from one about seeking the truth to one about racial injustices in America. Perhaps this is therapeutic, but we must not forget what this case is really about, the unbiased version of it, and hope that justice is reached, whatever the side.

One side is white

And the other black

In the middle huddles red

Red is what happens

When black and white mix

Red is dreams lost

Red is lives whisked away

Red is the tears of yesterday

You’d think it’d be gray

That mixed stain of colors

Gray is what they should make

Black and White

White and Black

It makes sense

But humanity never has

So the red is still there

A stark reminder of prejudice

The blemish of a failed mass wish

A wall for those

Too something to mix

White and Black

Black and White

Both are colors

But not really

Both do exist

Fact acknowledged or not

Black and White

White and Black

Have much in common

More than they realize

It’s time for them to start

Relying on more than just their eyes

I Walked on Rainbow

27 02 2012

So, I wrote this last night. Inspiration is unclear still, but it seemed apropos considering it’s my birthday, even if it’s a little depressing.  So much has happened in this year alone, I feel ninety instead of sixteen. New school, new city, new friends, LOVE (which wasn’t something I had to deal with at my last school). I promise at some point here I will get around to everyone’s pages. Recent personal  happenings are keeping my schedule a little erratic.

Cheers from the new old lady 😉

There was a time so long ago

When my feet touched nothin’ but rainbow

I skipped

And I hopped

I ran

And I danced

Me myself and I

Needed no romance

The sky was blue

And the grass was green

Everything I had

Was all I could need

No worries

No pain

No cold hard truth

My worst hurt was when

I lost a baby tooth

Reality was too big

For my naive eyes to see

My world was so small

I bounced of its walls with glee

And my feet touched nothin’ but rainbow

Colors shimmered and scattered

With my every footfall

Dropping down like painted tears

Of course I thought they were only rain

Tears are for those who have experienced pain

That rainbow was once so wide

I had to run a mile to the other side

It slowly shrank

As I grew up

Until I was on tip toes

And then one day


I fell down

Off my rainbow

Like a bird from its nest

It had just disappeared

And so childhood’s fog cleared

I knew not where to go

Having lost my compass of a rainbow

For a while I was lost

And I probably still am

It’s much harder to find one’s way

On crude, solid land

My pot of gold exists somewhere

And I’ll keep on looking

Even though life’s not always fair

The Oak and The Willow

14 02 2012

Tall and strong

The stoic oak stands

Protecting all around him

Roots forcing through earth

Like wooden waves frozen by time

His branches are a city

For the small forest dwellers

Some distance from him in a clearing

Stands a willow

Who ripples with the wind

Forever in an effortless bend

Graceful as a ballerina

Who never had to practice

Was born with the mere essence

Of fluidity

No one lives in her slender branches

They are long like pale green hair

Admired and coveted

She is the epitome of ethereal


Yet resilient

The oak and pine scoff

They stand tall

And they stand proud

Yet they will never have one thing sublime

A simple deception

The humble are often the strongest

A Swim With Death

13 02 2012

I was swimming in open ocean

And quickly growing slow and weary

I saw a shadow swim out to me

And at first I could not see clearly

But soon the infamous visage was near

And he grinned and said “Come my dear, you’re safe with me,”

Now I was young but I was witty

And I told sly Death “Dear sir I am doing quite well.”

“Those yonder swells are just plain petite for I am a child of the sea,”

He chuckled a sound from his deep hollow chest and said

“Darling you swim the wrong way for land is east not west,”

Sly Death he tried to fool me

“Oh but Sir Death that overhanging star is where I head.”

“Under its light I swim to the north for it is there that lies the land”

” Now I’m really quite busy and I’d appreciate it if your words you canned”

His eyes then hardened like lava in water

And then I knew I had angered Death

So I hurried on into a large oncoming crest

“It’s a long way,” he said “To that little speck of dirt,”

“Now Death you have forgotten, I am a child of the sea,”

“And this final mile it has yet to even hurt

Death swam closer and at him I glared

My heart it fluttered and faintly scared

But my face was stoic and Death was not aware

I swam in silence and him in darkness

As the sun fired a bloody red

Death lagged behind as I grew closer to shore

The water was cold and I shivered to my very core

His voice was tender as he vengefully said

“Dear child you are weak please come ,”

“In my kingdom for you there lies a warm and downy bed,”

” No I will not. I am a child of the sea and you will not claim me,”

I was almost there but my lungs pleaded “Air!”

The water was inviting

The escape enticing

But Death did not have me

For I was and will forever be

A strong-willed child of the sea

Shards of Glass

6 02 2012

It was a delicate sculpture of glass

Balanced precariously on a mountain top

Winds were soft

Barely keeping clouds aloft

And then one day

The sky turned gray

And wept out all the rain

A physical release of hidden pain

The torrent grew worse as the deadly hail came

And turned that delicate sculpture of glass

Into a million scintillating shards

That skidded of the mountainside

To lay upon the ground and bide

The chance to regain a love’s fragile pride