A Bookmark’s Promise

24 01 2012

I was in my AP Human Geography class today and I was telling my friends about this blog and one of them asked me what I like to write about and I answered, being intentionally ambiguous”Everything” She, like me, is an avid reader and promptly pulled out the bookmark in her copy of “The Good Earth” and told me to write a poem about it.  I am not kidding and this poem is the result.











Keep me near and I will mark

Your way through any adventure

On which you choose to embark

I’ll be your milestone

And never let you lose your place

Once I’m between pages

I’ll catch your tears

Or share your laugh

And be there for every book, front to back

Just keep me near

And do not fear

I will always keep your place

Held tight by a crisp, papery embrace

Ode to My Converse

21 01 2012

Oh Converse, oh Converse shoe

Nowhere is where I’d be without you

We’ve been everywhere together

And braved all sorts of weather

You’re dirty and you’re torn

And blissfully well-worn

You never go out of style

And make long walks worth their while

Long thin laces that never come untied

You make me go all starry-cross-eyed

My feet feel guilty in other shoes

Days without you are simply the blues

Stay with me and I’ll serenade you with verse after verse

I swear to be faithful for better or worse