Dear Future Self

15 11 2011

 I wrote this as a poem to my future self because sometimes we make mistakes that we look back on and hate ourselves for, but maybe those mistakes really were for the better.

Future self

Please don’t regret

Times I said

Not what I meant

You are of

My mistakes

It’s not a puzzle

That one piece makes

I am still charting

The course of our life

My map is blank

Save a thin short line

Representing time

Spent turning into you

And sailing toward


A more comforting

Shade of blue

I will struggle

And I will fall

But I will always

Rise above all

I don’t know where you are

And I barely know where you have been

But I am you

And you are me

Someday we will meet

And both see

That I did my best

For you

And for me